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LINA RINCÓN | Diasporic Hunger


Middle Name

my eastern head at the edge of a hospital bed,

my foot hanging from your wall.

A middle name,

a scribble, a tilde

confronting kings of the West

A middle name,

accessory on my ID card

a face is not match to the name,

a foreign name that I rather not pronounce.


To Jakelyn Amei Rosmery Caal Maquin

Her canvas shoes carry a pair of equipped feet and legs.

They carry her slender figure and her dark eyes.

Feet, legs, eyes and spirit fully prepared

la virgencita hanging from her neck

moneditas in her pocket.

Onward, we are leaving!



we will conquer our fight with the government.

we see the border of our dreams.

One step after another, we move forward

and laugh at times,

get quiet,

and swim

Proud, we claim compassion on the edge of our existence.

One step after another, we spot the our dream





we will resist.

The toxic track initiated by the empire's brutal force...

On the blind fog of our fight.

Feet, legs, eyes and spirit fully prepared

holding tight to virgencita

moneditas caen.

Onward, we flee!

Absorbed by the sun

ignored by the clown

Her canvas shoes slowly fall off: drained, all faint.

They announce the tragic departure of her slender figure and her dark eyes.


Lina Rincón is a Latinx immigrant, a sociologist, and a poet. She writes about the experiences that shape her life and the lives of others like herself: the displaced, the left behind, the marginalized, the hopeful, the activist, the heartbroken. Her poetry has appeared in Harvard College’s journal “Palabritas” and on the website “Love’s Executive Order.” She uses poetry to help college students and the general public to understand the struggles of immigrants and people of color.


Puerto del Sol is funded by New Mexico State University and the Mercedes Delos Jacobs Fund, and designed and operated by the MFA in Creative Writing program.

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