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Issue 56.1: The Failure Issue

Puerto del Sol


Emily Paige Wilson

Kayleb Rae Candrilli

Candelaria Peñate

Patricia Colleen Murphy

Mel Ruth

William Fargason

Erin Popelka

Matthias Göritz

Mary Jo Bang

Miles Waggener

Lindsay Lusby

K. Iver

Jessica Fordham Kidd

Emily Wolahan

Lisa Dominguez Abraham

Esther Hayes

Alyssa Froehling

Cassandra Cleghorn

Michel Vachey

S. C. Delaney

Agnès Potier

Alain Mabanckou

Nancy Naomi Carlson

Hari Alluri

Moncho Alvarado

Daniel Lassell

Kimberly Glanzman

Giorgia Pavlidou

Sydney Minnehan

Rose McMackin

Elaine Wilburt

Terry Lucas

Peter Covino

Mark DiFruscio

Jake Skeets

Salgado Maranhão

Alexis Levitin

Kevin Prufer

Cathy Ulrich

Gregory Byrd

Natalie Scenters-Zapico

Jake Levine

Oscar Mancinas

Sin Yong-Mok

Brother Anthony of Taizé

Mary Leauna Christensen

Annie Fan

Lucy Wainger

James Brubaker

Cover Artwork: Study 2 by Lee Hyoyoun


Puerto del Sol is funded by New Mexico State University and the Mercedes Delos Jacobs Fund, and designed and operated by the MFA in Creative Writing program.

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