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BRYCE BERKOWITZ | Let Me Paint Thanksgiving, 2019


There are a million ways to shoot guns

at the edge of a soy field. Maybe I like

the tough life, take-out on Thanksgiving,

crumpled Parliament boxes on a hoopty

floorboard, gathering around a photo album

with people you once loved, and asking,

Who’s this? Some people wonder,

how much time do I have left

to become the person I want to be?

I drive to our first trailer,

roll down the window,

and listen to loons

croon in the



Bryce Berkowitz is the winner of the Austin Film Festival's AMC TV Pilot Award (2021). He is the author of Bermuda Ferris Wheel, winner of the 42 Miles Press Poetry Award (forthcoming 2022). His writing has appeared in Best New Poets, New Poetry from the Midwest, The Sewanee Review, The Missouri Review, and other publications. He teaches at Butler University. Find him at:


Puerto del Sol is funded by New Mexico State University and the Mercedes Delos Jacobs Fund, and designed and operated by the MFA in Creative Writing program.

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