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Vol. 38.2, Summer 2003

Puerto del Sol


Chris Potter

Sean Aden Lovelace

Mark Krewatch

Erin McCluskey

Darlin' Neal

Luke Tennis

Stephanie Dickinson

Steinur Bell

Jennifer Rogers

Rachel Haley Himmelheber

Chris Bachelder

Gaylord Brewer

Gloria Vallina

Laura Didyk

Janet St. John

Paul B. Roth

Diana Sabot

Boyer Rickel

John Smelcer

Judith Strasser

Rodney Torreson

Tana Jean Parker

Stephen Massimilla

Julie King

Bradley Richie

Dieter Weslowski

Miles Waggener

Anthony Tracy

Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen

Alexis Levitin

Robert Thomas

Lee Ann Roripaugh

J.V. Brummels

Kris Christensen

Jon Pineda

Alison Townsend

Julie Lechevsky

Kasey Jueds

Jorge Arturo

John Oliver Simon

Humberto Ã…k'abal

David Floyd

Melissa Kwasny

Miriam Sagan

Katherine McCord

Angela R. Morales

Gerald Majer

Gary Buslik

Judy Fort Brenneman

Nathan Self

Joaquin Fore

Valerie Fioravanti

Jacquie Moody

Puerto del Sol is funded by New Mexico State University and the Mercedes Delos Jacobs Fund, and designed and operated by the MFA in Creative Writing program.

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