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You & Your Sunflowers

Jari Chevalier

You & Your Sunflowers

Know the way, what to do

with moonlight, minerals; turn

metals to music. You

with your brilliance, rest your animals.

Again you bring a cup

of tears, say: here.

Hopis don’t do

time. But milk goes sour.

Cry. You’re everywhere:

why? I break

the stupid pencil again.

Rock, thorn, root, sun.

These flowers turn

to face themselves.

Jari Chevalier is a multidisciplinary artist whose poems have recently appeared in Beloit Poetry Journal, Boulevard, The Cincinnati Review, concīs, The Cortland Review, Gulf Coast Online, The Massachusetts Review, Poetry East, Spillway, and other literary journals. Jari won the 2018 Common Ground Poetry Contest and the 2016 inaugural poetry contest at Sheila-Na-Gig Online. In 2014, her work received a Merit Award in the Atlanta Review International Poetry Competition and placed as a finalist in the Ploughshares Emerging Writer's Contest. She holds an honors Bachelor of Arts in writing and literature from Columbia University and a Master of Arts in Creative Writing from CCNY. Updates and more poems at

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