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Puerto del Sol Editorial Board

Puerto del Sol is fully managed by MFA candidates at New Mexico State University. As such, the literary magazine receives a new editorial staff each year. Say hello to the current editorial board!


Anna Coleman

Joshua Ball

Elli Breckenridge

Jay Paine

Yve Peters

Jack Bylund

Tia Credle

Jayden Presley

Damian Montoya



Richard Greenfield

Francisco Aragon 

Allison Field Bell 

Jenny Boully 

Blake Butler 

Julie Carr 

Danielle Dutton

Joanna Howard 

Evan Lavender-Smith 

Kyle Minor 

Roberto Tejada 

Laura van den Berg 

Tara Westmor 

Rebecca Wolff


Puerto del Sol is funded by New Mexico State University and the Mercedes Delos Jacobs Fund, and designed and operated by the MFA in Creative Writing program.

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